And there is quite a workload when it comes to the dark elves. Aside from actually completing the army (of which I am roughly halfway through) there is an ongoing rebasing project, completely independent of the above. All in all, almost twice the work, but hell, it's the kind of work I enjoy, doubly so considering it's the druchii. The specifics are:
- 2 Reaper bolt throwers
- 20 spearmen
- 20 crossbowmen
- Death Hag on a Cauldron of Blood
- 10 more crossbowmen
- 5 harpies
- 5 shades
- 2 more Reaper bolt throwers
- 15 corsairs
In fact, I'm thinking I like the corsair plastics so much I'm considering kitbashing them with warrior plastics to make a twenty-strong unit of spearmen. We'll see how it goes, but judging from some early dry fits they should go together just fine. Similarly, the corsairs' weapons (I'm talking all of them here, swords, daggers, crossbows, even some weird ones) are very decent and just SO much better-looking than for instance metal swords on Shades or Witch Elves. Shades are actually a wonderful unit to convert using the corsairs' arms and this is exactly what I'm working on at the moment.
So, to keep you through to the next update, here are some individual fell bat shots.